Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Exodus Vayak'heil/P'kudei (Double Portion)

Exodus 35:1−38:20

I. Summary of Vayak’heil

A. Vayak’heil = (Moses) “convoked” (the whole Israelite community)

B. Moses sets out the rules of Sabbath: 1) rest on seventh day, 2) anyone who works that day shall be put to death and 3) no fire shall be kindled on Sabbath. (35:1-3).

C. Moses asks all Israelites (“everyone whose heart is so moved”) for a donation of specified gifts and also asks skilled Israelites to help build the Tabernacle. (35:4-35:19)

D. Israelites donate requested items. Moses calls on Bezalel (who was singled out by God and was to oversee construction), Oholiab and every other skilled person to carry out the task of building the Tabernacle. Israelites donate more items than are needed so Moses tells them to stop making gifts. (35:20-36:7)

E. Skilled Israelites construct the Tabernacle (construction of each part described in great detail). (36:8-38:20)

II. Commentary on Vayak’heil (Plaut, various websites and prior Hevreh discussions)

A. Command to observe Sabbath - Reminder of Sabbath’s importance as adjunct to God’s detailed construction orders = don’t let burdens of work prevent celebration of Sabbath. Connects building of Tabernacle with deeper purpose of giving God a presence. Death sentence for violation reinforces Sabbath’s significance.

B. Repetition - Detailed description of Tabernacle construction in this parasha = repetition of detail set out earlier in describing construction plans described (Ex. 25). Repetition not a sign of significance (as repetition typically is) but rather reflects extreme obedience of Israelites.

C. Change of Heart - Following apostasy of golden calf, people now show change of heart through punctilious obedience to God’s commands (construction details) and enthusiasm (“hearts and spirits” moving them and giving so much they had to be stopped). Note irony of same jewelry that the Israelites initially brought to make the golden calf now being contributed to the construction of the sanctuary … act of teshuvah/repentance.

D. Lessons for today

1. Respecting Sabbath = Don’t let hard work crowd out spiritual things in our lives.

2. Israelites donating materials = Our hearts should always “be so moved” to give to righteous causes.

3. Effort of each Israelite was valuable to construction of Tabernacle = Everyone can do something well and it is our responsibility to recognize that within ourselves and use that capability well within our community.

4. Israelites worked hard to build Tabernacle as instructed = If you are going to do something, do it with enthusiasm and do it right.

5. Israelites built Tabernacle together = One can achieve more as part of a community than can be achieved alone.

6. Israelites following God’s detailed instructions explicitly = Pay attention to details … they matter.

Exodus 38:21−40:38

III. Summary of P’kudei

A. P’kudei = (These are the) “records” (of the Tabernacle)

B. A statistical summary of the materials used for the Tabernacle and an account of producing the priestly vestments are recorded. The Israelites present the completed Tabernacle to Moses who then blesses the Israelites for the work they did. (38:21-39:43)

C. God instructs Moses on how to set up and anoint the Tabernacle and how to prepare (wash and dress) and anoint Aaron and his sons as priests. Per God’s instructions, Moses sets up the Tabernacle and anoints Aaron and his sons as priests. (40:1-33)

D. When Moses finished his work, God's Presence in Tabernacle indicated by cloud covering Tabernacle by day (during which time Moses cannot enter Tabernacle nor can Israelites set out on journeys) and fire in it by night (after cloud lifted and when Israelites could set out on journeys). (40:34-38)

IV. Commentary on P’kudei (Plaut, various websites and prior Hevreh discussions)

A. Meaning of Tabernacle – Place where God could be served tangibly. Portability of structure allows constancy of God’s presence with Israelites wherever they are. Symbolic of end of Exodus tale, i.e. begun with “absence” of God during enslavement to ever-presence of God through Tabernacle.

B. Parallels between building of Tabernacle and creation

1. “Israelites had done all the work” (Ex. 39:42) similar to “God had completed the work” (Gen 2:2).

2. P’kudei mentioning seven times that each item made “exactly as the Lord commanded” similar to seven-fold repetition in Gen. 1 of “and it was so”.

3. “When Moses saw that they had performed all the tasks … Moses blessed them” (Ex. 39:43) similar to “God blessed all living creatures God had just created” (Gen. 1:22).

4. “You shall … anoint the Tabernacle” (Ex. 40:9) similar to “God blessed the seventh day” (Gen. 2:3).

C. Lessons for today

1. Detailed accounting of materials used to build Tabernacle = We should periodically take a spiritual accounting to be sure that we are properly using our abilities.

2. Cloud indicating presence of God = Find a way to sense the presence and absence of God’s influence on our daily lives (be aware of when you are and are not living by the precepts of Torah).

3. Israelites being blessed by Moses for work done on constructing Tabernacle = Hard work can be rewarding but value is not only in the work itself but in fruits of work, i.e. what motivates us to act is as important if not more important than the act itself.

4. Portability of Tabernacle = Take God with you on all journeys and make no journeys without God … involve God in all actions and decisions. Any place (or state of mind) can become a sacred space if we bring God there.
(Revised 3/9/10)

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